Adventures in Southern Urbanism

Working on it...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

New Name, New Posts

Adventures in Southern Urbanism

I finally thought of a new name for my blog, and no, it is not an oxymoron. Urbanism in the South may not be widespread, but it exists. I live in a wonderful example of it - Midtown, Atlanta. And for the past year, I have lived here without a car. To accomplish that without feeling any real inconvenience or discomfort I think proves that true urbanism does exist here. In fact, I have greatly enjoyed being car-free. I will expand on this theme in the future, along with many others.

Yes, my hiatus from blogging has been long, but I think that it has taken me that long to change gears and settle into my new mode of life enough that I now feel comfortable writing about it. After all, I was travelling for SCAD for nearly a year before I started this blog in the first place under its former name - Adventures in International Recruiting. I will leave those posts here, of course. In so many ways those experiences inform my current views on urbanism and led to my decision to return to school to earn my Masters of City and Regional Planning at Georgia Tech. That was Stage Two of my post-collegiate life. This is Stage Three. Stage One is for another time.

(I swear I'm going to finish that book one day...)

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