Saturday, September 16, 2006

Because you demanded it...

...the new do. Yes, I'm wearing a bathrobe. I have been for three days. Look closely - you can see the mark where I head-butted the TV.


Blogger jdvm said...

I liked it better long. Now you look more corporate than arty. Forgive me for sounding like a big brother but those were the 30th birthday blues you were experiencing. The trick is to realize that you get to choose the titles and length of the chapters in your book. Turning 30 doesn't even need to justify a new page if you don't want it to. Smile, have fun and try to do the things you really want to do and try (it's very hard) to tune out what you perceive are expectations that others have. Most of the time they are nothing more than your perceptions. Hope this makes sense. I try to assume the responsibilities and play by enough of the rules for someone my age; but it's only so I can really go on being a kid at heart. Sorry for the rambling post. Enjoy India. You probably won't be doing this forever so pretend it's your one and only trip there and do it with a vengeance.
John V

8:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Corporate sellout haircut.

I agree with John V. Give it a rest. Sure, thirty is big. So is 40, 50, etc., etc. You're living La Pura Vida. It's what we do.

9:26 PM  

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