Wednesday, July 19, 2006

30BE Part One: Merida

June 15th, 2006: First day of vacation

Good thing I was already packed, because I did not wake up until my ride to the airport called to say she was on the way. Turns out that three of my co-workers were taking the same flight from Southville to Atlanta (on their way to vacation in San Francisco), so it made things convenient. I stayed up late the previous night, drinking with Matt, who would be meeting me weeks later in Costa Rica. The spark for this last-minute binge was a last-minute break-up with the girl I’d been dating for the past few months. It was more implied than explicit. We had an argument in the afternoon, separated on bad terms, and didn’t speak again (until about a week into my trip). But, good ‘ole MySpace let me know exactly what she was thinking. “Single” again - no strings. Probably a good thing for an extended trek through Central America.

So, after some Ben & Jerry’s in the Atlanta airport (to make my head feel better) I took leave of my friends and trekked down to my next gate. There was Mike, ready and waiting. If you have read this blog before, you might remember Mike. We met in Beirut awhile back and planned this trip out several months ago. He’s actually ahead of me on the blog re-caps, so rather than write anything redundant, I will direct you to his version for shared portions of the journey. I will add my pics and additional anecdotes.

Post #1 from Mike

This is Mike watching the in-flight movie -- Schindler's List.

30BE Travel Tip #1: Don't use the bathroom for any long stays (you know what I mean) in the International Terminal. Whoa. Lotta cross-cultural stuff going on in there. Doesn't come out too well.

So we hopped down to Merida, capitol of the Yucatan state of Mexico (for details, see Mike's entry, linked above).

Mmmmm... ice cream.

This is what was going on in a plaza near our hostel...

La Plaza Central in motion...

Whew! This catch-up posting takes longer than I thought! I still have travel laundry to do, so check again in about 24 hrs for another post...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, I, too, found Schindler's List amusing. Great minds, I guess...

4:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That Schindler! What a crackup! Great make-out flick.

8:46 PM  

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