Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Carnality Catch-up

You know you are flying too much when you start to recognize members of the sky crew. And when they recognize you in return. And remember that you like those snack pizzas and bring you an extra one.

It was good to be back in Southville for a few days, even though I didn’t really feel “home.” Never got settled back in. Did tons of errands, paid bills, and put in way too many hours at the office. But as hard as I worked, I definitely caught up on the playing as well. As I deserved. Southville celebrated Halloween on Saturday night. I crashed some parties and drank some beer, but kept my vow not to shoot any liquor. Therefore, even though I only had two hours of sleep, I was roaring and ready to go on my next trip in the morning. In fact, this sleep deprivation was in no way related to partying. It was to deliberately upset my body-clock, so that when I arrived in South Africa I could re-set it to local time. At least it turned out that way.


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